peluang jana pendapatan

Buat duit dengan Program Affiliate Akademi Intan Payung

Sangat mudah, hanya daftar dan boleh mula.
Bagaimana nak buat duit dengan akademi intan payung?

Hanya dengan 3 langkah mudah!

#1 Daftar

Sertai kami secara percuma. Dengan hanya 1 minit sahaja, anda sudah boleh mempromosikan produk dan nikmati 20% komisen daripada jumlah jualan. Peluang menjana wang yang sangat mudah.

#2 Promote

Apabila menjadi ahli program affiliate kami, anda akan diberikan ID. Kongsikan sebarang pautan produk termasuk ID anda. Sistem akani menjejaki setiap halaman yang dikongsi.

#3 Dapat

Apabila seseorang melawati pautan yang telah anda kongsi dan membeli produk, anda akan memperoleh 20% komisen. Anda bukan sahaja mendapat komisen pada jualan awal, tetapi juga pada sebarang pembelian dan pembayaran berulang.

Frequently asked questions

1. Are there any fees or costs associated with becoming an affiliate?

There is no sign up fee or cost associated with becoming a Akademi Intan Payung affiliate.

2. How long do the cookies last?

Our cookies last for 30 days. This means that you get credit for any referred customer who returns to our site within 120 days, even if they do so directly.

3. Is there an agreement that I need to accept before becoming an affiliate?

In order to become an affiliate you will need to agree to the Terms and Conditions of our Affiliate Program.

4. On what products do I earn a commission?

There are no limitations or restrictions on which products can be sold through our Affiliate Program. And there are no limits on the amount of commission you can earn as an affiliate.

5. How do you treat product returns and affiliate sales?

If a customer referred by your site returns or cancels an order for refund, or if credit card charges are reversed due to online credit card fraud, we may debit your account for any commission earned on that transaction.

6. Can I stop promoting your programmes at any time?

Of course, there is no commitment. You reserve the right to stop promoting a single or all of our programmes at any time.